GoodRelations Test-cases for Google and Yahoo

(c) 2010-2011 by Martin Hepp, mheppATcomputerDOTorg,

On this page, we summarize examples of GoodRelations RDFa markup that goes beyond the basic Google and Yahoo recipes but should be accepted by parsers and validation tools.

Note: The Yahoo Validator is currently down and always reports an error "Zero Bytes received", but our testcases did all validate with the tool.

As of 2011-06-06, there is only one minor problem: If a gr:Offering is linked with a gr:BusinessEntity via gr:seeks, it should not be displayed in search results, because it represents demand, not supply. However, this is only a tiny problem, since the amount of such data is very small on a Web scale, and RDFa syntax is not likely to be the main format for such demand data anyway. We were able to find a way to make the original Yahoo recipe from 2008 validate with Google's tool (even review data). All testcases show that it is possible to create mark-up that validates with both Yahoo and Google, and that adding richer GoodRelations patterns, e.g. by using the VSO or TIO extensions for cars or tickets, does not conflict with being Google- and Yahoo-compatible.

ID Description Expected result Link to Google Rich Snippet Testing Tool Google Result Link to Yahoo SearchMonkey Testing Tool Yahoo Result Remarks
TC1 Offer with additional properties and correct XSD datatype information SHOULD VALIDATE
(ignore additional content)
Validate OK Validate OK
TC2 Offer with gr:includesObject to a gr:ActualProductOrServiceInstance SHOULD VALIDATE
(ignore additional content)
Validate OK Validate OK
TC2 new Offer with gr:includesObject to a gr:Individual (new name for gr:ActualProductOrServiceInstance) SHOULD VALIDATE
(ignore additional content)
Validate OK Validate OK
TC2b Offer with gr:includes to a gr:ActualProductOrServiceInstance SHOULD VALIDATE
(ignore additional content)
Validate OK Validate OK
TC2b new Offer with gr:includes to a gr:Individual (new name for gr:ActualProductOrServiceInstance) SHOULD VALIDATE
(ignore additional content)
Validate OK Validate OK
TC3 Offer with gr:includesObject to a gr:ProductOrServicesSomeInstancesPlaceholder SHOULD VALIDATE
(ignore additional content)
Validate OK Validate OK
TC3 new Offer with gr:includesObject to a gr:SomeItems (new name for gr:ProductOrServicesSomeInstancesPlaceholder) SHOULD VALIDATE
(ignore additional content)
Validate OK Validate OK
TC3b Offer with gr:includes to a gr:ProductOrServicesSomeInstancesPlaceholder SHOULD VALIDATE
(ignore additional content)
Validate OK Validate OK
TC3b new Offer with gr:includes to a gr:SomeItems (new name for gr:ProductOrServicesSomeInstancesPlaceholder) SHOULD VALIDATE
(ignore additional content)
Validate OK Validate OK
TC4 Car offer with gr:includes to a gr:Individual and rdf:type of vso:Automobile (Vehicle Sales Ontology) SHOULD VALIDATE
(ignore additional content)
Validate OK Validate OK
TC5 Camera offer with gr:includes to a gr:SomeItems and rdf:type to the CEO ontology SHOULD VALIDATE
(ignore additional content)
Validate OK Validate OK
TC6 Offer, model, and company data in one page SHOULD VALIDATE
(ignore additional content)
Validate OK Validate OK
TC7 Offer according the 2008 Yahoo SearchMonkey recipe with Google extensions (v:review added) SHOULD VALIDATE
(ignore additional content)
Validate OK Validate OK
TC8 Demand data: gr:seeks to a gr:Offering IGNORE
(this is not an offer, but a search for an offer)
Validate FAILED Validate FAILED This gr:Offering should not be displayed in Google Rich Snippets or Yahoo SearchMonkey, because of gr:seeks
TC9 Ticket offer with gr:includes to a gr:SomeItems and rdf:type to the Tickets Ontology SHOULD VALIDATE
(ignore additional content)
Validate OK Validate OK
TC10 GoodRelations and Review markup in RDFa snippet style (invisible div / span elements) at the beginning of the page SHOULD VALIDATE
(this is important for upgrading existing shop software in a way tolerant to user-defined HTML templates)
Validate OK Validate OK
TC10b GoodRelations and Review markup in RDFa snippet style with invisible offer markup and visible review markup SHOULD VALIDATE
(this is important for upgrading existing shop software in a way tolerant to user-defined HTML templates)
Validate PARTIAL (review data not shown) Validate TBD
TC11 Offer with gr:includes to a gr:SomeItems PLUS pto:Hammer ( SHOULD VALIDATE Validate OK Validate OK
TC12 GoodRelations in Microdata syntax SHOULD VALIDATE Validate TBD Validate TBD
TC13 and GoodRelations in combination in Microdata syntax SHOULD VALIDATE Validate TBD Validate TBD
TC14 GoodRelations Offer / Product with all possible properties (WORK IN PROGRESS) SHOULD VALIDATE Validate TBD Validate TBD
TC15 GoodRelations in RDFa Lite 1.1 (Link to the RDFa Lite 1.1 Spec) SHOULD VALIDATE Validate TBD Validate TBD
TC16 GoodRelations for Classified Ads SHOULD VALIDATE Validate OKAY Validate TBD